Tuesday, June 08, 2010

NEPAsarge Veteran Voice

One of the very best ways to get your blog noticed is to leave thoughtful and intelligent comments on other, well-trafficed blogs. Not of the "hey, you wanna exchange links?" variety, but something that might cause a reader to click through your name to see who you are and what your blog is about.

NEPAsarge is one of those. I just spotted him in a comment on Gort's site, though he's been around for a few weeks.

NEPAsarge Veteran Voice

From the first post:

I thought it would be fitting for me to start this blog on Memorial Day weekend since this is a time when we recognize those that sacrificed the greatest things we hold, our lives, to protect this nation. It also recognizes those veterans, soldiers, and families that serve too. The purpose of this blog is to address political issues that veteran community faces. It also is to add views on sports, news, and hobbies.

1 comment:

NEPAsarge said...

NEPA Blogs,
Thanks for the comments. Keep in touch.