Thursday, November 26, 2009

New local politics blog


NEPArtisan is dedicated to providing insight, commentary, and news important to the Northeastern Pennsylvania community.

Administrators and Editors

Tom Borthwick graduated from Marywood University in 2004 with a BA in English. He holds both an MA and MFA in Creative Writing from Wilkes University, obtained in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Also, he likes talking politics.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New blog: Scrantonist


From the introductory post:
I wasn't born in Scranton, and I don't live there now, but it's where I'm from. I came of age there, and stayed for all the milestones of young adulthood. I left four years ago, to finish my twenties somewhere else. Sometimes I go back, see friends, get drunk, marvel like any other young thing a few years away from home at all that's changed and new. And every day that I'm away, living somewhere else, I think of this city and the people and places in it and all that's happened there.

And I want to remember some of those things here, like running through the then (and now, again) abandoned Nay Aug Park Zoo in junior high, spending high school weekends in the thick cloud of cigarette smoke on the second floor of Cafe del Sol on Mulberry Street, begging rides out to Sea-Sea's in Moosic for shows before it closed (and then burned) down, drinking six packs in the rock quarry when we were still underage, learning to dance and fight and laugh, making our own fun, screaming ourselves hoarse with frustration and hope in various apartments on various streets in one little corner of the earth.

This blog'll be a tribute to Scranton, a place to sketch the stories of what it was like to cut your teeth on heartache and friendship and recklessness in this particular city at a particular moment in time. I'll cast some memories here (with pseudonyms of course--it's a small town, after all) for my own sake and anyone who cares to hear them. I invite fellow Scrantonians to mark down their own moments of coming up in that town; I'm happy to post them here.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Uncornered Market: From Scranton to the rest of the world

The latest from the mailbag:

Hi D.B.,

Would be grateful if would add Uncornered Market to the blogroll/mentions on NEPAblogs:

I grew up in Scranton before going to school at Cornell, moving to DC, San Francisco and Prague. My wife and I have been traveling the world and living out of backpacks for almost 3 years. We were profiled in the Scranton Times lifestyles section back in early 2008. Would give you a link, but the Times is apparently not keen on keeping online archives more than 18 months these days.

My ode to Scranton based on our last visit there:

You can find us on Twitter: @umarket

Cheers and thanks,

Daniel Noll
measuring the Earth with our feet...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

From the mailbag: NEPA Mom


I am a SAHM* of four young children. I live in NEPA and am on the hunt for fun, family friendly activities and companies that make my life easier. I'll keep you updated on what I find!

*Stay-at-home mom. I had to look it up.

As always, if you have a blog, yadda yadda, NEPA, yadda yadda, contact us!