Monday, January 28, 2013

Whiskey Bacon

I first met Dan Kimbrough at last September's NEPA BlogCon, where he was recording the event on video and serving delicious food courtesy of Whiskey Bacon, which was one of the BlogCon's sponsors. I didn't realize at the time - or in the numerous times that I've met and hung out with him since, up until last night - that Whiskey Bacon is actually Dan's blog!

Whiskey Bacon

Correction/update, 1/31/13: Dan has pointed out to me that Whiskey Bacon isn't "his" blog, but is instead a team effort:
I did want to mention one thing, I'm not Whiskey Bacon, we're a team. It's Leni Konstas, Theresa Lazzari and myself. We all work on the blog, photos, recipes and outings we go on. There's no way I could handle it all on my own!
I've also met Leni at the NEPA BlogCon and at a few events afterwards!

Whiskey Bacon is a food blog, and what a food blog it is! It features delicious recipes for delicious food, and delicious photos of delicious food!

From their "About Us":

Whiskey Bacon is…
…your drunken one night stand, sober up meal at six a.m., all while meeting friends at your favorite diner.
…ripping the recipe out of the magazine, changing the ingredients, turning a pasta into a pizza,  or a vegan dish into a bacon feast.
…the loudest table shoved into the corner of the restaurant, who doesn’t leave until after last call is served.
… the twenty things you shouldn’t have eaten last month, but really, who’s counting carbs that taste this great?
… the bakery you stumble into on accident, and return to every week for fresh muffins and bread.
… taking that box of CSA ingredients to make a pesto to last all winter.

If you like food, like reading about food, or just like pictures of food, be sure to check out Whiskey Bacon! Keep some wipes handy, because you may drool on your keyboard and lick your monitor!

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