Friday, January 13, 2012

Living Outside the Stacks and another by Daenel

A blog by Daenel, who lived in NEPA for fourteen years but recently relocated to Missouri:

Living Outside the Stacks
Navigating through life away from the library

From her "About Me":
I’m an archivist, librarian and history instructor at a local college, a wife of one, a mom of five and a grandmother of two. I’m crazy smart and a little bit ditzy with a smidge of snark.  I pride myself on being incredibly organized in a fly~by~the~seat~of~my~pants kind of way.

And it's a twofer! Here's her blog from her previous life here in NEPA!

Curious Child's Library Wanderings
Random musings on my life as Queen of the Histolibrarianivists.

Were you originally from NEPA (or did you just spend a chunk of your life here) and now you live somewhere else? If you have a blog, we'd love to know about it. Drop us a line at!

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