Thursday, May 26, 2011
MAYDAY! Music Festival
I found this through convoluted means: Someone hit the NEPA Blogs site by way of a Google search for "mayday nepa." The only way I figure they could have wound up here was because of a tweet that appeared in the live updates for NEPA Twibe:
NEPA Blogs
May 24, 2011 ... NEPA Twibe - NEPA Twitter Users · LeesaCee: RT @MAYDAYMusicFest: MAYDAY is THIS Sunday at Kirby Park, Wilkes-Barre, PA. NOON-DUSK. ...
So, naturally, I drilled down a bit and found this:
MAYDAY Music Fest
Sunday, May 29, 2011
A music festival to benefit Soldiers' Angels
Kirby Park
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Noon - Dusk
Rain or Shine!
Visit our official blog to check out artist profiles and all the happenings!
Which of course brought me here:
Welcome to the official Blog of the 4th annual MAYDAY! Music Festival.
MAYDAY! first started in 2008 and continues to take place every Memorial Day weekend at Kirby Park, which is located alongside the Susquehanna river, in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. All proceeds are donated to Soldier's Angels (
MAYDAY! features more than 50 musical acts (with an emphasis on electronic dance music and hip-hop, with some indie rock too!) performing on 6 stages as well as plenty of vendors, artists, great food and more!
This year's event will take place on Sunday, May 29, 2011. The festival starts at 12:00NOON and ends at 8:00PM sharp. MAYDAY! is an all-ages, family friendly, rain or shine event. Admission and parking are free.
Don't forget to visit the official MAYDAY! homepage at
Thanks for reading and stay tuned!
I wish we had known about this sooner! The Mayday Music Festival is this Sunday. Check out their blog for details - and stay tuned, because this is an annual event!
NEPA Blogs
May 24, 2011 ... NEPA Twibe - NEPA Twitter Users · LeesaCee: RT @MAYDAYMusicFest: MAYDAY is THIS Sunday at Kirby Park, Wilkes-Barre, PA. NOON-DUSK. ...
So, naturally, I drilled down a bit and found this:
MAYDAY Music Fest
Sunday, May 29, 2011
A music festival to benefit Soldiers' Angels
Kirby Park
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Noon - Dusk
Rain or Shine!
Visit our official blog to check out artist profiles and all the happenings!
Which of course brought me here:
Welcome to the official Blog of the 4th annual MAYDAY! Music Festival.
MAYDAY! first started in 2008 and continues to take place every Memorial Day weekend at Kirby Park, which is located alongside the Susquehanna river, in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. All proceeds are donated to Soldier's Angels (
MAYDAY! features more than 50 musical acts (with an emphasis on electronic dance music and hip-hop, with some indie rock too!) performing on 6 stages as well as plenty of vendors, artists, great food and more!
This year's event will take place on Sunday, May 29, 2011. The festival starts at 12:00NOON and ends at 8:00PM sharp. MAYDAY! is an all-ages, family friendly, rain or shine event. Admission and parking are free.
Don't forget to visit the official MAYDAY! homepage at
Thanks for reading and stay tuned!
I wish we had known about this sooner! The Mayday Music Festival is this Sunday. Check out their blog for details - and stay tuned, because this is an annual event!
NEPA Bloggers
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Old Soul Swagger
The Old Soul Swagger blog was brought to my attention by Cheri Sundra on our NEPA Bloggers Facebook group. It is a community blog that Cheri Sundra and Scott Carey both contribute to on a regular basis. The premise for the blog is to salute all things considered "old soul". Not specific enough, for you? Check out an excerpt from the About Page:
Old Soul Swagger was founded in March of 2011 by internet marketer and entrepreneur, Scott Carey. Old Soul Swagger was created to serve as an online community for all things “old soul.” At Old Soul Swagger you can expect interviews, reviews, event updates, historical commentary and a surprise or two on our favorite pin-ups, rat rods, sideshow acts, steampunk, old school tattoos and anything else that tickles our fancy.
Old Soul Swagger is based in Wilkes-Barre, PA and will often times discuss/promote events. If you have an event that fits in with our theme that you would like to promote, please contact us here with any information. We look forward to hearing from you!!!
Interestingly enough, Scott is the son of my former boss who has a blog already listed on the side bar: The Copper Brew Kettle.~M
Manic Frustration
One of @nepablogs most recent followers on Twitter is @DaleWilseyJr. By exploring his profile, I was able to discover that he indeed has a blog. It's called Manic Frustration. "It seems there's a fine line between creativity and insanity."
You can read more about the extensive background of Dale here, but I think the last paragraph on the About page sums it up best:
Right now, I sit in Tunkhannock. I work a 9-5 (really an 8-6) job to pay my bills. Books keep collecting on my shelves and words keep filling up blank pages in my notebooks or on my typer. Records keep spinning, music keeps playing. I still fish in the creeks and ponds around the area. The forests and mountains still bring me peace and memories from my childhood and, although this town is beginning to change at a rapid pace all around, the Tunkhannock I remember as a child still remains. It's the town in which my father grew up. His mother and father. It's still here and always a part of me no matter where life may take me in the future. I like it that way.
You can read more about the extensive background of Dale here, but I think the last paragraph on the About page sums it up best:
Right now, I sit in Tunkhannock. I work a 9-5 (really an 8-6) job to pay my bills. Books keep collecting on my shelves and words keep filling up blank pages in my notebooks or on my typer. Records keep spinning, music keeps playing. I still fish in the creeks and ponds around the area. The forests and mountains still bring me peace and memories from my childhood and, although this town is beginning to change at a rapid pace all around, the Tunkhannock I remember as a child still remains. It's the town in which my father grew up. His mother and father. It's still here and always a part of me no matter where life may take me in the future. I like it that way.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Wilkes-Barre Roller Radicals
Northeastern Pennsylvania's one and only all-female roller derby team now has a website!
Wilkes-Barre Roller Radicals
From their "About Us" page:
We are Northeast Pa's one and only all female Roller Derby League.
Established in September 2009, the Roller Radicals are Northeastern Pennsylvania’s only women’s flat track derby league. We are an LLC and non-profit DIY league, bringing together skaters from all walks of life for a common purpose: the love of roller derby.The rules we play by are set by the WFTDA standard.
We not only skate hard and play hard but hope through the promotion of our sport, to show that girls can be competitive, athletic, intelligent, and beautiful!
Since this is a website, not a blog, it will go on the sidebar under "Sites About NEPA." Be sure to visit Wilkes-Barre Roller Radicals!
Wilkes-Barre Roller Radicals
From their "About Us" page:
We are Northeast Pa's one and only all female Roller Derby League.
Established in September 2009, the Roller Radicals are Northeastern Pennsylvania’s only women’s flat track derby league. We are an LLC and non-profit DIY league, bringing together skaters from all walks of life for a common purpose: the love of roller derby.The rules we play by are set by the WFTDA standard.
We not only skate hard and play hard but hope through the promotion of our sport, to show that girls can be competitive, athletic, intelligent, and beautiful!
Since this is a website, not a blog, it will go on the sidebar under "Sites About NEPA." Be sure to visit Wilkes-Barre Roller Radicals!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Call for header photos!
Northeastern Pennsylvania is full great photographers, amateur and professional alike. We've also got loads of excellent photographic subjects that are uniquely - or sometimes not-so-uniquely! - representative of NEPA, or of specific parts of NEPA. I've culled a handful of photos from my collection that I thought might be eye-catching as part of the header of this blog, and once Michelle worked out the technical details and created the "sunrise" header (from a photo I took over my neighbor's house one morning) I made a bunch of them. Some of them are less interesting than others. But one thing I realized: they betray the fact that most of my photo safaris are done in Luzerne County, particularly in the Wilkes-Barre area.
So: If you have a camera, and you've got (or would like to take!) photos that you think would nicely reflect the beauty, diversity, and uniqueness of Northeastern Pennsylvania, or would just look good at the top of a blog page, please send them to us!
Some guidelines:
1. Photos will be resized to be 920 pixels wide, 72 pixels per inch. If you could send them in like this, that would be great!
2. Photos should be 300-500 pixels tall, or roughly two to three times wider than they are tall.
3. Photos should include enough open space to plop the words "NEPA Blogs" in super-gigantic text somewhere. If not blank space, then an area where these words can be inserted without covering anything essential.
4. Include a description of what is in the photo and where it was taken. I'll insert this in a handwritingish font (Akbar, based on the handwriting of Matt Groening) somewhere along the edge or in some dead space. If nothing presents itself, I can create a photo frame edge and put the description there.
5. Please also include how you would like your photo credited - name, blog address, blog name, or whatever!
I think that's it. Any photos that you'd like to see featured as headers, please send to Thank you!
So: If you have a camera, and you've got (or would like to take!) photos that you think would nicely reflect the beauty, diversity, and uniqueness of Northeastern Pennsylvania, or would just look good at the top of a blog page, please send them to us!
Some guidelines:
1. Photos will be resized to be 920 pixels wide, 72 pixels per inch. If you could send them in like this, that would be great!
2. Photos should be 300-500 pixels tall, or roughly two to three times wider than they are tall.
3. Photos should include enough open space to plop the words "NEPA Blogs" in super-gigantic text somewhere. If not blank space, then an area where these words can be inserted without covering anything essential.
4. Include a description of what is in the photo and where it was taken. I'll insert this in a handwritingish font (Akbar, based on the handwriting of Matt Groening) somewhere along the edge or in some dead space. If nothing presents itself, I can create a photo frame edge and put the description there.
5. Please also include how you would like your photo credited - name, blog address, blog name, or whatever!
I think that's it. Any photos that you'd like to see featured as headers, please send to Thank you!
Site notes
This is Getting Old
This is Getting Old is a sports blog which covers the Pittsburgh Penguins, the WBS Penguins, Penn State, the Pirates and the Steelers. Pretty much all sports teams in Pennsylvania, except for those originating from Philadelphia.
I received this submission from @nepablogs Twitter account (which hopefully, you are all following by now). I was unable to locate an about section on this blog to copy and paste in my post as I usually do. I can however, refer you to the the Twitter account from which the posting came from: @laclips / Brad from Scranton, PA.
From hisTwitter profile: ✔ *Burgh Verified* Penguins Hockey, Penn State Football and Pirates Baseball. I also like anything silky.
I received this submission from @nepablogs Twitter account (which hopefully, you are all following by now). I was unable to locate an about section on this blog to copy and paste in my post as I usually do. I can however, refer you to the the Twitter account from which the posting came from: @laclips / Brad from Scranton, PA.
From hisTwitter profile: ✔ *Burgh Verified* Penguins Hockey, Penn State Football and Pirates Baseball. I also like anything silky.
Laugh to Live
Laugh to Live, LLC. is the website for a very interesting organization in which laughter is used as a means of healing...and it is based right here in Northeastern PA!
Ok, got me. This isn't really considered a blog at all. For that, I will be placing this website under the "NEPA Organizations and Companies" section of the blog roll. Jeannine is just so awesome and hilarious, that she deserves some attention in our blogging community. Last year, she performed (at the last minute I might add, after one of the other comedians bailed) at the comedy show that my Leadership Wilkes-Barre project group put on
About the Owner of Laughter to Live - Jeannine Luby has spent much of her life making people laugh. First entertaining family and friends and then performing stand-up and improvisational comedy over the past 13 years. She became a Certified Laughter Leader by the World Laughter Tour* in 2006 to further promote the benefits of laughter to audiences of all ages and interests through laughter exercises.
You can check out Jeannine entertaining an audience at Gotham Comedy Club in NYC here:
Ok, got me. This isn't really considered a blog at all. For that, I will be placing this website under the "NEPA Organizations and Companies" section of the blog roll. Jeannine is just so awesome and hilarious, that she deserves some attention in our blogging community. Last year, she performed (at the last minute I might add, after one of the other comedians bailed) at the comedy show that my Leadership Wilkes-Barre project group put on
About the Owner of Laughter to Live - Jeannine Luby has spent much of her life making people laugh. First entertaining family and friends and then performing stand-up and improvisational comedy over the past 13 years. She became a Certified Laughter Leader by the World Laughter Tour* in 2006 to further promote the benefits of laughter to audiences of all ages and interests through laughter exercises.
You can check out Jeannine entertaining an audience at Gotham Comedy Club in NYC here:
Submitted via @jasonpercival on Twitter: "You should add @campthesummit to the site. It's written by the most adventurous man in NEPA @patrickgensel"
CampTheSummit is the ultimate one stop shop (so to speak) for outdoor adventure lovers.
From the About Page: CampTheSummit is a Multi-Format Content outlet encompassing the adventure and outdoor recreation world. was launched in September 2009. the site provides content ranging from video podcasts, and written articles, to audio content and more.
The blog was founded by Patrick Gensel, who has his own personal blog located at which is more technology and photography based in nature.
I will be adding both of these blogs to the sidebar for your reading pleasure.
CampTheSummit is the ultimate one stop shop (so to speak) for outdoor adventure lovers.
From the About Page: CampTheSummit is a Multi-Format Content outlet encompassing the adventure and outdoor recreation world. was launched in September 2009. the site provides content ranging from video podcasts, and written articles, to audio content and more.
The blog was founded by Patrick Gensel, who has his own personal blog located at which is more technology and photography based in nature.
I will be adding both of these blogs to the sidebar for your reading pleasure.
Just Breathe
Just Breathe is the blog of my good friend Nicole Howell who is making the brave venture out of NEPA. She is moving to Arizona! Her blog, which she submitted to me via Twitter, will be featuring her moving tales as well as book reviews, photography and other miscellany.
"Writer. Poet. Techie. I'm never too far from my iPod." ~ Nicole
I will be listing her blog in the "Bloggers originally from NEPA" section of the blog roll, as she is counting down her last days of NEPA. NEPA will miss her, but there are limited opportunities in this area for someone as talented as her.
Good luck Nicole!
"Writer. Poet. Techie. I'm never too far from my iPod." ~ Nicole
I will be listing her blog in the "Bloggers originally from NEPA" section of the blog roll, as she is counting down her last days of NEPA. NEPA will miss her, but there are limited opportunities in this area for someone as talented as her.
Good luck Nicole!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Franklin's Family Restaurants Reunion
Franklin's Family Restaurants Reunion
A place where alumni can reconnect, share images and what have you
Franklin's Family Restaurants was part of a fast-vanishing aspect of American life:the locally owned chain of restaurants.* This blog is written by a former short-order cook, assistant manager, and general manager who came into possession if a treasure trove of memorabilia and plans to share it online, along with many years of personal memories. If you ever worked there, ate there, or just vaguely remember the place, stop by Franklin's Family Restaurants Reunion to reminisce!
*Shows you what I know! I've already learned so much from this blog!
A place where alumni can reconnect, share images and what have you
Franklin's Family Restaurants was part of a fast-vanishing aspect of American life:
*Shows you what I know! I've already learned so much from this blog!
Friday, May 20, 2011
And now for something completely different...
From the NEPA Blogs mailbag:
hello my dearest how are you and your family? hope you are fine,my name is Katrine,am 23years,am a Russian living in Spain,i will like to know much about you to establish a good relationship with you as am the only daughter in my family but my parents is late,please write back let me tell you much about me and also i have something special to share with you and also to send you my pictures.
If Katrine had included a return address, I might have let her know that our mission is to provide links to blogs and other sites about Northeastern Pennsylvania or by people from Northeastern Pennsylvania. Sadly, it seems that she does not fit into either of these categories.
If you're a twenty-three year old Russian living in Northeastern Pennsylvania, we'll be happy to list your blog even if you're not the only daughter and your parents are not late. Sharing special things and pictures with your readers is completely up to you.
hello my dearest how are you and your family? hope you are fine,my name is Katrine,am 23years,am a Russian living in Spain,i will like to know much about you to establish a good relationship with you as am the only daughter in my family but my parents is late,please write back let me tell you much about me and also i have something special to share with you and also to send you my pictures.
If Katrine had included a return address, I might have let her know that our mission is to provide links to blogs and other sites about Northeastern Pennsylvania or by people from Northeastern Pennsylvania. Sadly, it seems that she does not fit into either of these categories.
If you're a twenty-three year old Russian living in Northeastern Pennsylvania, we'll be happy to list your blog even if you're not the only daughter and your parents are not late. Sharing special things and pictures with your readers is completely up to you.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
NEPA Solar
NEPA Solar
From the introductory post:
Alternative energy is the way of the future - and today! Solar energy is at the forefront of alternative energy. Many people are surprised to learn that Northeastern Pennsylvania provides an excellent climate for generating electricity from solar energy. In fact, the degree of solar energy available is comparable in many ways to Germany, the nation that leads the world in conversion of solar energy to electricity. (This should come as no surprise in either case: Both regions are covered in organic solar energy converters - trees - and have deposits of coal that represent solar energy stored in the past by vegetation.)
NEPA Solar, aka Solar in Northeastern Pennsylvania, will strive to be a central resource for individuals seeking information about solar energy, solar panel purchase and installation, and the economic benefits of solar energy.
From the introductory post:
Alternative energy is the way of the future - and today! Solar energy is at the forefront of alternative energy. Many people are surprised to learn that Northeastern Pennsylvania provides an excellent climate for generating electricity from solar energy. In fact, the degree of solar energy available is comparable in many ways to Germany, the nation that leads the world in conversion of solar energy to electricity. (This should come as no surprise in either case: Both regions are covered in organic solar energy converters - trees - and have deposits of coal that represent solar energy stored in the past by vegetation.)
NEPA Solar, aka Solar in Northeastern Pennsylvania, will strive to be a central resource for individuals seeking information about solar energy, solar panel purchase and installation, and the economic benefits of solar energy.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Framing Faith
In the beginning, blogs were online journals maintained by individuals about their personal lives, sports, politics, or whatever they chose to write about. Soon small businesses saw the potential for blogs as inexpensive ways to connect with prospective customers. Eventually big businesses got into the act, too. Now blogs penetrate every level of online activity, to the point that there's some debate as to how exactly to define a "blog" and differentiate it from a "website."
When a friend sent me this link a few months ago I thought it was interesting: a website promoting a book on a topic near and dear to me. I wrote about the site on my blog, and connected with it on Facebook. Despite the "" address, I never really thought of it as a blog. But as I've watched their updates come in on Facebook, I've realized that that is exactly what this is.
Framing Faith
Framing Faith tells the story of the faith of immigrants and their descendants, spotlighting ten Catholic churches in the Diocese of Scranton that were closed due to restructuring.
If you have published a book, promoting it through a blog is one approach to consider. If you're a local author or your book is on a topic relevant to Northeastern Pennsylvania, get in touch with us to have your blog listed on NEPA Blogs.
When a friend sent me this link a few months ago I thought it was interesting: a website promoting a book on a topic near and dear to me. I wrote about the site on my blog, and connected with it on Facebook. Despite the "" address, I never really thought of it as a blog. But as I've watched their updates come in on Facebook, I've realized that that is exactly what this is.
Framing Faith
Framing Faith tells the story of the faith of immigrants and their descendants, spotlighting ten Catholic churches in the Diocese of Scranton that were closed due to restructuring.
If you have published a book, promoting it through a blog is one approach to consider. If you're a local author or your book is on a topic relevant to Northeastern Pennsylvania, get in touch with us to have your blog listed on NEPA Blogs.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Stop Lou Barletta
From the email bag: Hello. My name is Dan Cheek and I'd be thrilled if you'd consider adding StopLouBarletta to NEPAblogs.
Personally, I'm kind of surprised that this blog is not already on the list. I thought for sure we added it at some point.
From the About Page: My name is Dan Cheek and I am the owner and author of I started this website in April of 2008, shortly after Lou Barletta announced that he was mounting a second campaign for Congress. In my opinion, Barletta represented a horrible political candidate. He has, repeatedly, flip-flopped on important issues, refused to take stands on other issues, and has repeatedly used fear-mongering as his favorite political tactic. For all of these reasons, and more, I remain deeply opposed to Lou Barletta being elected to any higher office.
This blog has been added to the sidebar. Dan is a member of our Facebook NEPA Bloggers Group, should you want to network with him.
Personally, I'm kind of surprised that this blog is not already on the list. I thought for sure we added it at some point.
From the About Page: My name is Dan Cheek and I am the owner and author of I started this website in April of 2008, shortly after Lou Barletta announced that he was mounting a second campaign for Congress. In my opinion, Barletta represented a horrible political candidate. He has, repeatedly, flip-flopped on important issues, refused to take stands on other issues, and has repeatedly used fear-mongering as his favorite political tactic. For all of these reasons, and more, I remain deeply opposed to Lou Barletta being elected to any higher office.
This blog has been added to the sidebar. Dan is a member of our Facebook NEPA Bloggers Group, should you want to network with him.
Fool On The Hill
A blog from the latest person to join the NEPA Bloggers Facebook group:
Fool On The Hill
Lighthearted socio-political commentary from a working class voter
Melissa L. Sabol is a married mother of two and currently resides in North Eastern Pennsylvania. She enjoys freelance editing and writing.
If you have a blog you'd like to have listed, drop us a line at or stop by the NEPA \Bloggers Facebook group!
Fool On The Hill
Lighthearted socio-political commentary from a working class voter
Melissa L. Sabol is a married mother of two and currently resides in North Eastern Pennsylvania. She enjoys freelance editing and writing.
If you have a blog you'd like to have listed, drop us a line at or stop by the NEPA \Bloggers Facebook group!
Cooking Like Keller
"Cooking Like Keller" is a demonstrative cooking blog of a former NEPA resident. I will be adding this blog to the "Bloggers Originally From NEPA" section to the sidebar.
From the About section: Chronicling the culinary misadventures of an amateur chef in his attempts to cook and eat the most delicious food possible.
My first question after reading this blog was "Who is Keller? And why is the author cooking like him?" The answer of this question was found with a simple search of Wikipedia. The chef aspires to cook like his idol Chef Thomas Keller who is known for being a famous French cook.
**Michelle's Sidebar: If "Unexplained Things" was our first official Tumblr blog added to the site. Make "Cooking Like Keller" the second official Tumblr blog addition. As you can see from the differences in these two blog setups, Tumblr appears to be a highly customizable blogging platform much like Wordpress or Blogger.
From the About section: Chronicling the culinary misadventures of an amateur chef in his attempts to cook and eat the most delicious food possible.
My first question after reading this blog was "Who is Keller? And why is the author cooking like him?" The answer of this question was found with a simple search of Wikipedia. The chef aspires to cook like his idol Chef Thomas Keller who is known for being a famous French cook.
**Michelle's Sidebar: If "Unexplained Things" was our first official Tumblr blog added to the site. Make "Cooking Like Keller" the second official Tumblr blog addition. As you can see from the differences in these two blog setups, Tumblr appears to be a highly customizable blogging platform much like Wordpress or Blogger.
Unexplained Things
If I'm not mistaken, I think this is our first Tumblr Blog addition. I was always under the impression that Tumblr was a micro-blogging platform, but that is not the case.
Anyway, enough rambling.
I submit for your viewing pleasure "Unexplained Things". This blog features photos and information about all things UFO, Paranormal, and the Unexplained. There is also a Facebook Group that you can join here. Additionally, you can follow the Twitter account here: @ibelievethings. The blog is run by DJ Smith of NEPA. If you want to give yourself a case of goosebumps you should look no further than this blog.
As always, if you would like your blog to be added to our site, please send an email to nepablogs [at] gmail [dot] com with your name, blog address and a brief description of your blog. We will be more than happy to add you!
Anyway, enough rambling.
I submit for your viewing pleasure "Unexplained Things". This blog features photos and information about all things UFO, Paranormal, and the Unexplained. There is also a Facebook Group that you can join here. Additionally, you can follow the Twitter account here: @ibelievethings. The blog is run by DJ Smith of NEPA. If you want to give yourself a case of goosebumps you should look no further than this blog.
As always, if you would like your blog to be added to our site, please send an email to nepablogs [at] gmail [dot] com with your name, blog address and a brief description of your blog. We will be more than happy to add you!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Found at random: Crystal Satriano Photography
While informing NEPA Mom about another matter, I came across this post on her site, which led me to this blog:
Crystal Satriano Photography
Custom Location Lifestyle Photographer serving NEPA (Northeast, PA). Newborns, Maternity, Babies, Children, Teens, Seniors, Couples, Families, Boudoir & Weddings.
I think I'm going to start a category for "NEPA Photographers!"
If you're in Northeastern Pennsylvania and own a small business, a blog can be an excellent way to connect with potential customers. Don't wait for us to stumble upon you by accident! Get in touch with us at!
Crystal Satriano Photography
Custom Location Lifestyle Photographer serving NEPA (Northeast, PA). Newborns, Maternity, Babies, Children, Teens, Seniors, Couples, Families, Boudoir & Weddings.
I think I'm going to start a category for "NEPA Photographers!"
If you're in Northeastern Pennsylvania and own a small business, a blog can be an excellent way to connect with potential customers. Don't wait for us to stumble upon you by accident! Get in touch with us at!
From the mailbag: Get Cryptic
Could you add to your list? We are music event promoters, but we do try to update the site with new content everyday, whether it be interviews, an mp3, or upcoming shows in the area. Any questions let me know. Thanks!
Get Cryptic
From the About page:
GET CRYPTIC is a multi-faceted entertainment collective based in Scranton / Wilkes-Barre, PA.
Check out Get Cryptic and see all the music-related updates! If you have a blog and you're from or in Northeastern Pennsylvania, give us a yell!
Get Cryptic
From the About page:
GET CRYPTIC is a multi-faceted entertainment collective based in Scranton / Wilkes-Barre, PA.
Check out Get Cryptic and see all the music-related updates! If you have a blog and you're from or in Northeastern Pennsylvania, give us a yell!
Two by Holly Ord
On the NEPA Bloggers Facebook page, NEPA blogger Holly Ord has informed us of her two blogs:
Woman Tribune
From the About page:
Welcome to Woman Tribune, a webspace for women that explores and discusses our Woman Wide World.
There are countless websites and blogs out there and more are being created every single day. While most websites and blogs fall under a category or are shelved in a niche that’s terribly hard to break out of, Woman Tribune was founded with the mindset that there should be more spaces out there that give you a little taste of everything.
No one has just one interest or one topic they like to read about and Woman Tribune strives to have something that will interest anyone, regardless of their location or lifestyle. Woman Tribune is a space for women, for moms, single ladies, fashionistas, tech-savvy gals, entertainment buffs, concerned citizens of the world, pet owners, and much more.
Menstrual Poetry
From the About page:
Menstrual Poetry is a feminist and extremely liberal opinion website that was launched in December 2007 as a response to U.S. politics and what is being said and done about social issues.
Menstrual Poetry is a website for free-thinkers; for people who reject the idea that greed and consumerism is and should be what makes up The American Dream. People should no longer be expected to be complacent with the government, both national and local, that they find themselves in and it is strongly believed that people rightfully deserve to have a voice and a platform to express their opinions, concerns and beliefs about the world they are equally a part of, regardless of gender, class, race, size, sexual orientation or gender identity.
This website works to hold administrations, corporations, businesses, the media and people accountable for the laws, decisions and images that they put out into the world, thus affecting the lives of people everywhere.
Go check out Holly Ord's blogs! Remember, if you're a blogger from or in Northeastern PA and you want to get listed on NEPA Blogs and don't want to wait for us to find you, you can drop us a line at, or contact us at the NEPA Bloggers group on Facebook! You can also give all your fellow NEPA Bloggers a linkiness boost by linking back to NEPA Blogs. Or, if you'd like, you can get one of our FREE buttons (we have plenty left) and post it on your site with a link back to !
Woman Tribune
From the About page:
Welcome to Woman Tribune, a webspace for women that explores and discusses our Woman Wide World.
There are countless websites and blogs out there and more are being created every single day. While most websites and blogs fall under a category or are shelved in a niche that’s terribly hard to break out of, Woman Tribune was founded with the mindset that there should be more spaces out there that give you a little taste of everything.
No one has just one interest or one topic they like to read about and Woman Tribune strives to have something that will interest anyone, regardless of their location or lifestyle. Woman Tribune is a space for women, for moms, single ladies, fashionistas, tech-savvy gals, entertainment buffs, concerned citizens of the world, pet owners, and much more.
Menstrual Poetry
From the About page:
Menstrual Poetry is a feminist and extremely liberal opinion website that was launched in December 2007 as a response to U.S. politics and what is being said and done about social issues.
Menstrual Poetry is a website for free-thinkers; for people who reject the idea that greed and consumerism is and should be what makes up The American Dream. People should no longer be expected to be complacent with the government, both national and local, that they find themselves in and it is strongly believed that people rightfully deserve to have a voice and a platform to express their opinions, concerns and beliefs about the world they are equally a part of, regardless of gender, class, race, size, sexual orientation or gender identity.
This website works to hold administrations, corporations, businesses, the media and people accountable for the laws, decisions and images that they put out into the world, thus affecting the lives of people everywhere.
Go check out Holly Ord's blogs! Remember, if you're a blogger from or in Northeastern PA and you want to get listed on NEPA Blogs and don't want to wait for us to find you, you can drop us a line at, or contact us at the NEPA Bloggers group on Facebook! You can also give all your fellow NEPA Bloggers a linkiness boost by linking back to NEPA Blogs. Or, if you'd like, you can get one of our FREE buttons (we have plenty left) and post it on your site with a link back to !
Quick NEPA Blog Access
NEPA Blogs now has its own domain name!
Yes, that's right. Now if you visit it is the same thing as typing It is much easier to type and remember, HECK, you don't even need the WWW. My hopes are that since the URL (a.k.a. web link) will be easier to remember, that you will all visit more often. :o)
Have a great Saturday!!
Yes, that's right. Now if you visit it is the same thing as typing It is much easier to type and remember, HECK, you don't even need the WWW. My hopes are that since the URL (a.k.a. web link) will be easier to remember, that you will all visit more often. :o)
Have a great Saturday!!
Ricochets Rapid Detail LLC
Ricochets Rapid Detail LLC is a Auto-Detailing business located in Scranton PA, and owned by Lucia and Dave Peregrim. This blog offers several tips about auto care and how detailing can preserve the interior and exterior of your car. You can also find them on Facebook by clicking here where you can view several photos of the work that they have done. I should also mention that the Blog is only one slice of their website. You can view all of the other contents by visiting (this also includes information about their pricing and packaging in case you are interested in buying their services).
Also, Lucia is highly active raising funds for the National Scoliosis Foundation and puts on "Sounds for Scoliosis" each year. The event showcases several local bands scattered across several venues over a three day period. This year's event will be taking place from July 29-31, 2011. You can read more about the upcoming events on the Facebook Page or Webpage.
As always, I invite you to check out the above links to learn more. I will be adding the RRD Blog and Sounds for Scoliosis links to the sidebar for your viewing pleasure.
Also, Lucia is highly active raising funds for the National Scoliosis Foundation and puts on "Sounds for Scoliosis" each year. The event showcases several local bands scattered across several venues over a three day period. This year's event will be taking place from July 29-31, 2011. You can read more about the upcoming events on the Facebook Page or Webpage.
As always, I invite you to check out the above links to learn more. I will be adding the RRD Blog and Sounds for Scoliosis links to the sidebar for your viewing pleasure.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Scranton Blogs: Content thief?
We're always on the search for local bloggers to link to from NEPA Blogs. There are lots of blogs out there, and new ones getting started all the time. One of the ideas behind NEPA Blogs is that if we create the right degree of linkability - many blogs linking to a central blog which links back to all of the other blogs - everyone will benefit. The little blogs will benefit from being linked to by a site that is linked to by the big blogs, and the big blogs will benefit from being linked to by a site that is linked to by lots of little sites.
The structure of NEPA Blogs is designed to encourage posting activity. The most recently updated blogs appear at the top of the sidebar, if those blogs are equipped with an RSS or Atom feed. The more often you post, the more often you will be at the top of the sidebar, and the more easily readers will find your site.
We find blogs in all sorts of ways: People can send them in, or we can come across them accidentally, or find them on another NEPA Blogger's blogroll. Sometimes we go out and do brute-force searches on terms like "nepa blogger" or "wilkes-barre blogs" or "scranton blogs."
One of those last returned a hit for It advertises itself as "A Blogging Network For Scranton Bloggers!" Great, I thought, someone else is doing the same thing. I'll just link to them and...
The content on Scranton Blogs looked a little familiar. Very familiar. Heck, I had written a lot of it. And so had NEPA Mom, and Mark Cour, and Stephen Albert, and Andy Palumbo, and...
It was pretty unnerving to open up someone else's blog and see my own work looking back at me. And it's not like someone was saying, "Oh, here's an interesting post from" If it weren't for the fact that I had coded in a slug at the end of my posts during an aborted attempt to set up reposts to Facebook, no one would have known that I wasn't a blogger writing for a site called Scranton Blogs.
So who is responsible for this?
Heh, that's the fun part. There's no "About Us" for Scranton Blogs. There is, however, a little note at the very bottom that says "Copyright for all content is attributed to the original author, and their respective websites." Not that they go out of their way to point to the original authors or their respective websites. Clicking on my name points to - making me look like I'm a "member" of Scranton Blogs who writes for them. (I am not, and I do not.) Clicking on the post title for my most recent post points to, rather than to So the copyright thing at the bottom is just lip service.
Fortunately, a whois search turned up some answers:
Artz Group Inc.
515 Center St.
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503
United States
Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 13-May-09
Expires on: 13-May-12
Last Updated on: 30-Apr-11
Administrative Contact:
Group, Artz
Artz Group Inc.
515 Center St.
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503
United States
Technical Contact:
Group, Artz
Artz Group Inc.
515 Center St.
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503
United States
Domain servers in listed order:
Registry Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Status: clientRenewProhibited
Registry Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Status: clientUpdateProhibited
I think I'll have a word with them. Though those email addresses don't look very functional.
In the meantime, I'll cross-post this on NEPA Blogs and Another Monkey. And if this works the way I think it does, this post will automatically be displayed on the Scranton Blogs site as well. Let this be their top story for a while.
UPDATE, 5/12/2011:
Now my posts aren't displayed there anymore, but the other bloggers' posts are. I've already let several of the other content theft victims know, and I can just work through the rest of the list.
The proper thing to do, if the person running Scranton Blogs wanted to do something like this, would be:
- Post excerpts from blog posts, rather than repost the whole things
- Include links to the original posts, both as a title and a "Read the rest here..."
- Give full attribution to the bloggers and blogs from which these posts are being taken
- Remove any language or architecture that gives the impression that the blog authors are actually working for Scranton Blogs
Not that it should be necessary for anyone to explain all that to this person. But apparently he still doesn't get it.
The structure of NEPA Blogs is designed to encourage posting activity. The most recently updated blogs appear at the top of the sidebar, if those blogs are equipped with an RSS or Atom feed. The more often you post, the more often you will be at the top of the sidebar, and the more easily readers will find your site.
We find blogs in all sorts of ways: People can send them in, or we can come across them accidentally, or find them on another NEPA Blogger's blogroll. Sometimes we go out and do brute-force searches on terms like "nepa blogger" or "wilkes-barre blogs" or "scranton blogs."
One of those last returned a hit for It advertises itself as "A Blogging Network For Scranton Bloggers!" Great, I thought, someone else is doing the same thing. I'll just link to them and...
The content on Scranton Blogs looked a little familiar. Very familiar. Heck, I had written a lot of it. And so had NEPA Mom, and Mark Cour, and Stephen Albert, and Andy Palumbo, and...
It was pretty unnerving to open up someone else's blog and see my own work looking back at me. And it's not like someone was saying, "Oh, here's an interesting post from" If it weren't for the fact that I had coded in a slug at the end of my posts during an aborted attempt to set up reposts to Facebook, no one would have known that I wasn't a blogger writing for a site called Scranton Blogs.
So who is responsible for this?
Heh, that's the fun part. There's no "About Us" for Scranton Blogs. There is, however, a little note at the very bottom that says "Copyright for all content is attributed to the original author, and their respective websites." Not that they go out of their way to point to the original authors or their respective websites. Clicking on my name points to - making me look like I'm a "member" of Scranton Blogs who writes for them. (I am not, and I do not.) Clicking on the post title for my most recent post points to, rather than to So the copyright thing at the bottom is just lip service.
Fortunately, a whois search turned up some answers:
Artz Group Inc.
515 Center St.
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503
United States
Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 13-May-09
Expires on: 13-May-12
Last Updated on: 30-Apr-11
Administrative Contact:
Group, Artz
Artz Group Inc.
515 Center St.
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503
United States
Technical Contact:
Group, Artz
Artz Group Inc.
515 Center St.
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503
United States
Domain servers in listed order:
Registry Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Status: clientRenewProhibited
Registry Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Status: clientUpdateProhibited
I think I'll have a word with them. Though those email addresses don't look very functional.
In the meantime, I'll cross-post this on NEPA Blogs and Another Monkey. And if this works the way I think it does, this post will automatically be displayed on the Scranton Blogs site as well. Let this be their top story for a while.
UPDATE, 5/12/2011:
The proper thing to do, if the person running Scranton Blogs wanted to do something like this, would be:
- Post excerpts from blog posts, rather than repost the whole things
- Include links to the original posts, both as a title and a "Read the rest here..."
- Give full attribution to the bloggers and blogs from which these posts are being taken
- Remove any language or architecture that gives the impression that the blog authors are actually working for Scranton Blogs
Not that it should be necessary for anyone to explain all that to this person. But apparently he still doesn't get it.
Wilkes-Barre: Crime, Fire, Law, Theatre, Photography, and Music
Here are just a few of the results that came up today for a Google search of the words "wilkes-barre" and "blog":
Crime-Free Wilkes-Barre by Charlotte Raup, President of the Wilkes-Barre Neighborhood Crime Watch Coalition
WB Fire Fighters Thoughts by Dan Emplit, "An over-caffeinated 18 year WBFD Engine 3 Driver, with 6 years Active Military service who has the clinging scent of gun oil about him."
Wilkes-Barre Pesonal Injury Blog from Rosenn, Jenkins & Greenwald, LLP
Gaslight Theatre Company - The blog of a Wilkes-Barre theatre company.
Earl & Sedor Photographic - From their "About Us:" "JB Earl and John Sedor have been providing their services as professional photographers locally – in Northeastern Pennsylvania in the Greater Wilkes-Barre and Scranton area – and nationally since 1984."
The Wanderer ( "...a site about ghost towns, abandoned places, places with little known or forgotten history, roadside curiosities, and the occasional tourist trap. We deal primarily with southern New Jersey and the Pine Barrens, but we are now based in the Poconos and learning our way around Pennsylvania. Over the past few years, we’ve been slowly expanding and covering more area, going as far north as New England and as far west as Indiana."
Jeff Dietz Photography - Scranton / Wilkes-Barre PA Wedding and Portrait Photography
The photoblog of Darkershadesofbrown - Scranton/Wilkes Barre wedding photographer Daniel Lanton
Spirit of Youth - "Spirit Of Youth is a blog about Wilkes-Barre hardcore past, present, and future and worldwide Straight Edge."
As always, if you're a NEPA blogger and you'd like to get listed and don't want to wait for us to stumble across your blog, please drop us a line! And if you are listed on NEPA Blogs, please do all your fellow NEPA Bloggers a favor and include a link back to NEPA Blogs! Or just grab this button and stick it on your site:
Crime-Free Wilkes-Barre by Charlotte Raup, President of the Wilkes-Barre Neighborhood Crime Watch Coalition
WB Fire Fighters Thoughts by Dan Emplit, "An over-caffeinated 18 year WBFD Engine 3 Driver, with 6 years Active Military service who has the clinging scent of gun oil about him."
Wilkes-Barre Pesonal Injury Blog from Rosenn, Jenkins & Greenwald, LLP
Gaslight Theatre Company - The blog of a Wilkes-Barre theatre company.
Earl & Sedor Photographic - From their "About Us:" "JB Earl and John Sedor have been providing their services as professional photographers locally – in Northeastern Pennsylvania in the Greater Wilkes-Barre and Scranton area – and nationally since 1984."
The Wanderer ( "...a site about ghost towns, abandoned places, places with little known or forgotten history, roadside curiosities, and the occasional tourist trap. We deal primarily with southern New Jersey and the Pine Barrens, but we are now based in the Poconos and learning our way around Pennsylvania. Over the past few years, we’ve been slowly expanding and covering more area, going as far north as New England and as far west as Indiana."
Jeff Dietz Photography - Scranton / Wilkes-Barre PA Wedding and Portrait Photography
The photoblog of Darkershadesofbrown - Scranton/Wilkes Barre wedding photographer Daniel Lanton
Spirit of Youth - "Spirit Of Youth is a blog about Wilkes-Barre hardcore past, present, and future and worldwide Straight Edge."
As always, if you're a NEPA blogger and you'd like to get listed and don't want to wait for us to stumble across your blog, please drop us a line! And if you are listed on NEPA Blogs, please do all your fellow NEPA Bloggers a favor and include a link back to NEPA Blogs! Or just grab this button and stick it on your site:
Monday, May 02, 2011
Kentucky Derby

From his most recent blog post:
The 14th annual get together of the Saturday OT Committee and Operatic Society to watch the Kentucky Derby is scheduled for Saturday, May 7th 4PM at Marks Pub 1287 N Washington St, Wilkes-Barre.
None of us are big horse race fans but this is just another excuse to infuse cash into the malt beverage industry to ensure it's liquidity. After all, we don't want D.G. Yuengling & Son to go the way of General Motors.
This is not a mega-meetup like the one last month a Rooney's (we will do that again in the fall) and it has not been sanctioned by the Northeast Blogging Council. But of course everyone is welcome.
You can RSVP for the event on Facebook here. Hope to see you there!
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