Friday, February 17, 2012

Brian Fulton's Blogs

It's odd how natural disasters bring people together. As you may or may not know, Harold and I were administrators on the "Wyoming Valley Flood 2011" page on Facebook (which was a hastily organized resource to share information and resources for the residents of the Wyoming Valley about the flood of Sept 2011). This afforded us the opportunity to meet people from NEPA that we wouldn't normally associate with through social media. I gained a lot of new followers on Twitter and Facebook after the 2011 Floods. Brian Fulton was one of the new followers that I picked up after the disaster.

Fast forward to January 2012...I found out that Brian signed on to be one of the presenters at Pecha Kucha Night. I love meeting people in real life that I know through blogging and social media, so I was excited to meet him.

Brian's Pecha Kucha presentation was all about Library Crimes. As it turns out, library crimes happen more often than people realize. Harold and I chatted briefly with Brian after the show and exchanged blogging business cards.

Me (to myself): "SCORE! Another NEPA Blogger to add to our blogroll!"

Brian blogs professionally through the Scranton Times-Tribune at and personally through a Tumblr blog located at

You can also follow Brian's adventure's through Twitter at @bgfulton where he tags himself as a "Newspaper library manager, graduate student and candy enthusiast from Larksville, PA."

We welcome Brian to the blogosphere, and hope that you will as well by following his blogs.


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