Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Contemporary Eye

Another submission via email. We've received many of them since the publication of the excellent article in The Weekender about BlogFest!

Good morning:

Allow me to briefly introduce myself. My name is Matthew Philistine. I really enjoyed the write-up that was published in the 'Weekender' regarding NEPA Blogs. The article caught my attention because I love to read and write. I believe there is plenty of writing talent in northeastern PA.

I recently developed a 'blogspot.' The name of my 'Blogspot' is entitled: 'The Contemporary Eye.' I started this blog around Christmas 2011. The idea of my blog is to write about contemporary issues. Plus, I was also thinking about centering my writing around the culture of northeastern PA. I may possibly be able to carry out this activity through the eyes of the citizen residing in the region.

I am relatively new to blogging. My blog is in the infancy stage of creation. The goal is to create quality literature for my audience in a respectful manner. I also desire to post pictures, and, have a more appealing background to catch the interest of my audience. Here is my link:

Matthew is just starting out in the world of blogging. Be sure to check his blog, The Contemporary Eye, frequently for updates!

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